Monday, July 13, 2009


Every so often some close friends and I travel somewhere together and spend a few days seeing the sights, playing board games, eating out, eating in, enjoying the pool and just having a good time. Late this spring, four of us went to Seaside, Oregon, and stayed at a Worldmark timeshare for six days. We had great accommodations facing the ocean and once again had a wonderful time together. The weather was windy but that didn't stop us from enjoying walks on the beach. We enjoyed watching the kite boarders as well. For whatever reason I took my camera but didn't use it, so will post a couple of photos from earlier excursions. Norma Foisy, Jan Munson, Christina Ashbaugh and I made the trip this time.

Above: Norma, Sharon and Christina feast on bon-bons at the Worldmark Camlin in Seattle during an earlier trip. While there, we also went to the Daniel O'Donnell show and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sharon, Christina and Norma enjoy the pool at the Camlin. We always try to fit in some water aerobics during our trips.

Jan, myself and Marilyn enjoy one of our eat-in dinners while on a trip to Birch Bay. We barbecued on the deck before enjoying our private hot tub.

Norma, Marilyn and Christina brave the elements during one of our earlier trips to Seaside. The Worldmark timeshare is in the background.