Monday, June 8, 2009

Class of '54 Reunion, Oroville

Jim's class reunion was held in Oroville May 7-10. We took the motorhome up and camped next to friends Larry and Linda Bannon, former classmates of Jim's, who now live in Oroville, CA. Didn't get much sleep but had a good time socializing.
Barb and Monte Drummond held a get-together at their beautiful home on the lake Friday evening. Everyone enjoyed the chance to visit with friends and reminisce about the "good old days."

John Stillwell, class of '54 and professional entertainer, sang and played for us during the Friday night get-together at the Drummonds. Everyone enjoyed the chance to request some favorites.

The May Day parade on Saturday was fun, and we were blessed with warm, sunny weather. Monte, class of '54, and Barb Drummond were Grand Marshals for the parade.

Saturday evening a delicious catered dinner was held at the Depot, and once again the conversation flowed. I enjoyed meeting many of Jim's friends that I hadn't met before and getting reacquainted with those I had.
I especially enjoyed the chance to spend time with the Forneys. Jim & Keith have been friends forever, and I met Keith & Marie my first year of teaching at Snohomish High School. We've all been good friends ever since. As often happens, we don't get together as much as we'd like but have promised to do better from now on.
Several folks met for breakfast Sunday morning and then most everyone headed home. Another reunion is on the calendar for May Day, 2014. We're looking forward to it.