Saturday, December 12, 2009

Catch Up

Somehow a few months have slipped by since either of us added to our blogs. I'll spend a few minutes hitting the highlights, then set a goal to do better in the future.

Jim went fishing in Canada the end of July and actually contributed nothing to the freezer as a result. I don't remember that ever happening before.

I had a good time at my high school reunion in August. It was one that ended in an "0." Need I say more?
Jim and friends went on another fishing trip to Canada the end of the month. This time he had better luck and we have more than enough salmon till the next trip.

September brought the annual Alberta goose hunt. Luger had a good time as did the hunters. We have plenty of geese and ducks to last till he goes again next year.

Jim went on an antelope/deer hunt in Wyoming the first part of October. Came home with both and the freezers are now totally crammed full.
I was on jury duty for two weeks and had to call in every day and report on three different days. Didn't serve on any cases, just mostly sat around and waited to see what would happen next. Uneventful but tiresome.

November and December
This was going to be my month to become totally ambitious getting ready for the holidays. Instead, I broke 3 ribs and haven't been able to accomplish much since. I was in the garage on a stepladder putting some things on shelves when the ladder and I tipped over and we both ended up on the concrete floor. The ladder was fine; nothing broken, nothing scratched. There is no justice. I miss being able to go to the athletic club for Body Vive and water aerobics.

Unhappy Endings
Our 14-year-old dog, Buck the labrador, had to be put down on Nov. 10. He was unable to get up and wasn't eating or drinking. By the time the vet saw him she had a difficult time finding a vein as his organs were quickly shutting down. Nonetheless when Jim lifted him into the pickup his tail was wagging, and I'm sure he thought he was on his way to go hunting. He was a wonderful pet, outstanding hunting dog, and was patient and kind beyond words.
Sadly, about the same time we lost Buck, Buford our mini-schnauzer, had three seizures one evening for no apparent reason. The vet checked him thoroughly and thought he might have a brain tumor. He did fine for about a month, then he had another one on Dec. 4. The vet put him on medication the 5th and he died here at home on the 7th. I am so thankful I was with him when it happened, but I can hardly stand it that he's gone. He was only about 8 years old, way too soon to lose him. Buford had a big heart for such a little guy and he was truly a special companion with personality plus.
Our three-year old German Wirehair, Luger, has been a blessing through all of this. I feel sorry for him, too, as he's lost his best buddies. He's got a worried expression on his face and keeps going in and out of the house. I know he's looking for Buck and Buford, and I wish I could make him understand what happened. That's impossible as even I don't understand. All I know is how much it hurts.

Christmas is fast approaching, so I'd best get moving. Merry Christmas to all.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cliff's Journals and A Horse Called Hummer

I noticed that Jim hasn't been adding to his blog lately, so I'll bring you up to date. We've been getting positive feedback on both Cliff's Journals and A Horse Called Hummer. Jim was recently interviewed on the KIT morning radio show, spoke at a Yakima writer's group, and had a story about his books published in the Selah paper. He's now starting to work on a second novel.
He also stays busy working in his vegetable garden, and we're now starting to enjoy the fruits (vegetables) of his labor. His first tomato was picked yesterday, and he's managed to bring in a few zucchini before they've grown too big to carry. The same can't be said for his turnips, however, as we've had a couple approximately the size of bowling balls. Fortunately, Keith and Marie Forney, along with their son Wes, paid us a visit last week and were coerced into taking a few home to Wenatchee. Marie even claimed she was happy to do so. She is a true friend, and we enjoyed spending time with them.

Bluegrass and Bratwurst

A couple of Sundays ago Pastor Teske and his wife, Florence, invited a group of people to his home for an afternoon/evening of bluegrass music and a bratwurst barbecue with all the fixings. The music was fabulous as was the food. My good friend Connie Lehmann was there so we enjoyed a chance to visit. Connie's uncle and two of his sons were in the band as well as two others. They were so versatile that you never knew from one number to the next who would be playing which instrument. Connie's uncle had made many of the instruments as well; they were all beautiful. We're already looking forward to next year.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Every so often some close friends and I travel somewhere together and spend a few days seeing the sights, playing board games, eating out, eating in, enjoying the pool and just having a good time. Late this spring, four of us went to Seaside, Oregon, and stayed at a Worldmark timeshare for six days. We had great accommodations facing the ocean and once again had a wonderful time together. The weather was windy but that didn't stop us from enjoying walks on the beach. We enjoyed watching the kite boarders as well. For whatever reason I took my camera but didn't use it, so will post a couple of photos from earlier excursions. Norma Foisy, Jan Munson, Christina Ashbaugh and I made the trip this time.

Above: Norma, Sharon and Christina feast on bon-bons at the Worldmark Camlin in Seattle during an earlier trip. While there, we also went to the Daniel O'Donnell show and thoroughly enjoyed it.
Sharon, Christina and Norma enjoy the pool at the Camlin. We always try to fit in some water aerobics during our trips.

Jan, myself and Marilyn enjoy one of our eat-in dinners while on a trip to Birch Bay. We barbecued on the deck before enjoying our private hot tub.

Norma, Marilyn and Christina brave the elements during one of our earlier trips to Seaside. The Worldmark timeshare is in the background.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Class of '54 Reunion, Oroville

Jim's class reunion was held in Oroville May 7-10. We took the motorhome up and camped next to friends Larry and Linda Bannon, former classmates of Jim's, who now live in Oroville, CA. Didn't get much sleep but had a good time socializing.
Barb and Monte Drummond held a get-together at their beautiful home on the lake Friday evening. Everyone enjoyed the chance to visit with friends and reminisce about the "good old days."

John Stillwell, class of '54 and professional entertainer, sang and played for us during the Friday night get-together at the Drummonds. Everyone enjoyed the chance to request some favorites.

The May Day parade on Saturday was fun, and we were blessed with warm, sunny weather. Monte, class of '54, and Barb Drummond were Grand Marshals for the parade.

Saturday evening a delicious catered dinner was held at the Depot, and once again the conversation flowed. I enjoyed meeting many of Jim's friends that I hadn't met before and getting reacquainted with those I had.
I especially enjoyed the chance to spend time with the Forneys. Jim & Keith have been friends forever, and I met Keith & Marie my first year of teaching at Snohomish High School. We've all been good friends ever since. As often happens, we don't get together as much as we'd like but have promised to do better from now on.
Several folks met for breakfast Sunday morning and then most everyone headed home. Another reunion is on the calendar for May Day, 2014. We're looking forward to it.

NOWA Conference

Jim and I attended the Northwest Outdoor Writers annual conference in Lewiston, ID, April 30 through May 3. The conferences are always fun, the food good, and the seminars interesting. We especially enjoy getting together with friends that we sometimes see only once a year during conference time.
Gary Lewis, right, presents Jim with an award for excellence in craft. Jim's article,
"Advocates without Passion" took first place in the Managing Our World category. Jim also took third place in the Humor category.
Judy visits with G.I. Wilson just before a delicious dinner held at the Lewis Clark Discovery Center at Hells Gate State Park.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Web Site

The Clear Writing Leads website is now online and the links should all be linking. It's been a challenging experience getting it set up and launched. I'm now on my way to a Seattle Mariner's ballgame with Novelyn which sounds like a whole lot more fun than finessing a web site.